Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

puisi karya kawan ku- Leni Uci Fatmawati

Petualangan hidup
(karya leni uci fatmawati)
perjalanan hidup manusia
seperti sungai mengalir menyusuri tebing
sulit ditebak kedalamannya
sarat dengan beban dan rintangan
dan pada akhirnya
berhenti bertemu dengan laut

                                 hidup hanya sekali
                                 tuk membuka kunci rahasia hidup
                                 menepi atas kesadaran diri
                                 dan jangan meratapi kegagalan
                                 apa yang dirasa saat kelam

semangat  tuk terus maju
tuk motifasi bekalku
meski saat kini
keringat menetes, setiap detiknya di wajahku
slalu tergumam dewi fortuna di bibir ku
tuk gapai masa depan sejahtera

jangan pernah lelah
atas dunia yang terus melawan diri
hari yang tlah dilewati
pengalaman yang penuh arti
jadikan guru paling menyentuh benak kalbu
dan slau bersyukur
                                 yang tlah Dia beri pada kita

roda terus berputar
entah kapankah kita di atas
slalu di atas
tanamkan hari baik
tuk memetik keberhasilan dimasa nanti
kuatkan tekat......
buang rasa putus asa
karna buatmu mati kalahkan hidup

kegagalan adalah awal kesuksesan
pelangi nan beri warna
dan keyakinan di dada manusia
tergores oleh pilihan kata
menampung luka yang bertubi-tubi
menimbun dengan senyuman kini

sinar hari esok
mulai terlihat, menancap pada ingatan
tak sia-siakah segala pengorbanan?
tak percaya memanen kesuksesan
nan sekian lama dinanti
tak pernah henti
tuk bersyukur pada mu Tuhan

terjawab janji
tuk tersenyum tanpa rantai mengikat
dan kini............
indahnya surga yang ku perjuangkan
tlah ada dalam hidup ku

lirik lagu Sheperd of Fire - Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd Of Fire
Let's take a moment and break the ice
So my intentions are known
See I have pity in watching you suffer
I know the feeling of being damned alone
I've got a storybook of my own

Don't you see I am your pride
Agent of wealth
Bearer of needs (And you know it's right)
I am your war
Arming the strong
Aiding the weak
Know me by name
Shepherd of fire

Well I can promise you paradise
No need to serve on your knees
And when you're lost in the darkest of hours
Take a moment and tell me who you see
Won't tell ya who not to be

Now you know I am your pride
Agent of wealth
Bearer of needs (And you know it's right)
I am your war
Arming the strong
Aiding the weak
Know me by name
Shepherd of fire

Disciple of the cross and champion in the suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way for the shepherd of fire

Through the ages of time
I've been known for my hate
But I'm a dealer of sinful choices
For me it's never too late

I am your pride
Agent of wealth
Bearer of needs (And you know it's right)
I am your war
Arming the strong
Aiding the weak

I am your wrath
I am your guilt
I am your lust (And you know it's right)
I am your law
I am your stall
I am your trust

Know me by name
Shepherd of fire

RECOUNT TEXT - The Street Full Of Bends

The Street Full Of Bends

Four years ago, I went to waduk Jatiluhur with all members of my family. We went there by car. We started from Semarang at four in the dawn .
I sat right behind my father , because my father was drive. I was enjoying the view along the street. But, The street full of bends. It was very dizzy. Soon , I fell asleep.
I woke up several times . I knew that we were approaching waduk Jatiluhur. So I decided not to sleep again . We arrived there at half past nine. There , the view was beautiful. Finally , we took picture of the view. It was a beautiful day for me.

RECOUNT TEXT - An Untruthful Elephant

An Untruthful Elephant 

In a country, lived a pair of elephants who love each other. They were Shawn and Honey. They had been living together since 2 years ago and had two children. Their first child was Andy and their second child was Danny. Danny was the elephant that often lied and he was always scolded by his parents because of the lies that he often did.

While their older child, Andy was an elephant who was very honest and made the parents were so proud. However, although his parents were proud of him, he was not arrogant, so all the elephants liked him. All those conditions made Danny jealous and did not like his brother. But, he had not made ​​him changed and he became more and more lying frequently. He was never to be deterrent even though often punished by his parents.

Meanwhile, his brother, Andy was never bored and stopped to advise him. However, all of the advice and the punishment he received was never made ​​him wary. A lie that often done by him was screaming near the river so that someone else thinks he was drowning. In fact, he only intended to pretend and lied.

One day, he wanted to drink the water in the river which was deep enough. Because he was so thirsty, he did not pay attention to the depth of the river and immediately stuck his trunk into the water. The surfaces that were near the river were so slippery but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, Danny slipped and he plunged into the river. There was no elephant that was near river because they were all in the pasture which was far enough away from the river. He then yelled very loudly and asked for help to all the elephants.

The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact, his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny was not lying and Danny almost drowned.

Andy immediately saved Danny and took him out on the pasture to be treated. The elephants in the meadow shocked and immediately huddled beside him. A few minutes later, he woke up and he promised never to lie again.